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Uttam Kshama Dharma 2021 English – by Jinvaaniputra Shri Dhyansagarji Maharaj

Uttam Kshama Dharma 2021 English – by Jinvaaniputra Shri Dhyansagarji Maharaj
  • *Kshama Dharm*~By Jinvaaniputra Shri Dhyan sagar ji Maharaj
  • The 10 golden attributes of saints, monks, nirgranthas it’s first day today
  • *Ratnatraya means: Right faith,Right knowledge, Right conduct*
  • There is nothing biased in Jainism
  • Forgiveness is forgetting others faults
  • Forgiveness is the only way of letting go and moving forward
  • The best way is to forgive and forget
  • On the first day of this great festival we chant :ॐ ह्लीं उत्तम क्षमा धर्मांगाय नमः (Om Hrim Uttam Kshama Dharmangay Namah)
  • Mistakes are for forgiving not crime. Crimes are for punishment.

णमो अरिहंताणं

णमो सिद्धाणं

णमो आइरियाणं

णमो उव्वज्झायाणं

णमो लोएसव्वसाहुणं ।।

The first day of holy festival of jains Daslaxniy Parv ; The ten golden attributes of saints, monks, The Nirgranthas’. Today is the day of Uttam Kshama ~ Topmost forgiveness.

   With the feeling of selflessness; without any selfishness; in the Scriptures it is written that the jain monks ; they either perform meditation or they perform their holy activities; their daily activities. While performing those activities ;not meditation , activities, there are occasions when there may be chances of anger; there may be chances of speaking something angrily ; on those occasions The monks observe Uttam Kshama. The topmost forgiveness. 

आकृष्टोहंहतोनैव हतोवा नद्विधाकृत: ।

मारितो न हतो धर्मो मदियोनेन बंधुना  ।।

  In the Scripture Gyanarnava Aacharya Shubhchandra states that when somebody says foul words to monk ; when someone irritates a monk through his speech The monk thinks like this: he just said foul words looking at me but he hasn’t hurt me. So, why should I get off balance? Why should I get angry?

When someone starts hating a monk ; bullying a monk ; the monk thinks this way.

हतोवा नद्विधाकृत: ।

He just hates me ; he has hurt my body; he hasn’t killed me. I am still alive.so he has not taken my life why should I get off balance? Why should I get angry? 

And ultimately when someone is ready to kill a monk you are under such circumstances the monk thinks like this

मारितो न हतो धर्मो मदियोनेन बंधुना  ।।

This person is not my enemy; I consider him a friend because he is killing me but not separating me from my dharm. This word Dharm is known throughout the world and religion is related to faith and faith creates a fraction between human beings. But here the dharma about which that monk is contemplating is not that traditional dharma. The Dharma within that monk is ; That Nirgranth sadhu is Ratnatraya.

Ratnatray means Right Faith; Right Knowledge and Right Conduct.

There are different states of human beings and all living beings.The state of monks is considered in digambar Scriptures as the sixth and seventh stage of consciousness..

In the sixth stage, there is a Pramatt feeling.

Pramatt being that is the last state of pramad. Pramad means 

विकहा तहा कसाओ इन्दिय णिद्दातहेव पणवोय  

Unnecessary gossip; gossip about rulers ,food, women and robberies; The four passions anger, pride,deceit and avarice. The five senses also create pramad. Sense of touch, sense of taste, sense of smell, sense of vision and sense of hearing ; sleep and attachment ; these are the fifteen pramads; They may be within a monk too.but within the range of saiyam; self control. They are not out of control.

So that monk thinks that this person is trying to kill me but he is not destroying my Ratnatray; my religion. So I don’t consider him my enemy. He is my friend; anybody is my friend who is not disturbing my religion ; my inner religion. And now you have heard the words right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. 

Definitely, there may be queries about these three attributes, these three jewels. Right Faith…..

What is Right faith?

    Right faith means just the antonym of blind faith. A faith with understanding; a faith which considers the messages and the preachings of omniscient beings not just thinkers. The enlightened beings ; the beings with perfect knowledge and complete knowledge ; The persons who have knowledge beyond our imagination and knowledge that is so great ; nothing is beyond that knowledge. They are called Arihantas. Besides that knowledge which is called Kevalgyan, they have eight other KevalGunas; Attributes Keval Darshan; Keval samyaktva, Keval Charitrya, Keval daan, Keval Laabh,Keval bhog, Keval Upbhog and Keval Veerya. The nine attributes; the being who possesses these nine attributes ; he may be anyone.

There is nothing biasd in Jainism. Anyone who performs these austarities who cleanses his soul ultimately becomes omniscient, purified and full of knowledge and blissed.

So the Saint thinks that it is Okay. Nothing to get imbalanced or disturbed and he forgives that person. 

If a person doesn’t forgive somebody what happens he either thinks evil about that person ; he either speaks wrong about that person he either acts someway that can hurt that person. So. his mind, speech and body all are in the negative direction. And to stop them going into negative direction the monk forgives them, everyone; each and everyone and forgivingness is forgiving others faults. How is this possible? Maybe our memories can not be erased but one thing is there; even if you know that somebody has done something in his past which has hurt me a lot. You dont experience the hurt right now ; you just remember and then think It is Okay. Everyone being a human commits errors. Forgiveness is the only way of letting go and moving forward. 

There is a very beautiful verse written in the Pratikramana and Mulachaar Granth

खम्मामि सव्व जीवाणं सव्वे जीवा खमंन्तु मे ।

मेत्तिमे सव्व भूयेसु, वेरं मज्झं ण केण वि ।।

If you want to forgive someone and sit into meditative state, first of all just clear your mind 

खम्मामि सव्व जीवाणं – I forgive every living being.

सव्वे जीवा खमंन्तु मे – having forgiven everyone, I ask, I beg for forgiveness because as they have committed some things that hurt me I have also committed many things that hurt them . So, I ask for forgiveness. And after that I say from my heart I am friendly towards every living being. I am nobody’s enemy. I have friendly attitudes towards all beings.  

 वेरं मज्झं ण केण वि – In past whatever has happened has happened. But now I do not possess any ties of enmity . I have no feelings of revenge towards anyone. This is called forgiveness. 

& Forgiveness is forgetting that I have to balance something, I have to get even with that person. Everything is even because according to science Sir Issac Newton has said,” Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

Jainism also preaches many laws of the universe which are timeless laws. This law of Karma is just like the law of motion which scientists have also said “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” 

If you throw a ball on a wall, the ball hits the wall at a certain speed and then returns back with the same speed. So, equal and opposite reaction ; so whoever has hurt you or hurt your feelings hasn’t done so without any cause. Because without cause there can not be any effect. Everything works on the law of cause and effect.This is a universal science.

In Jainism it is said,” Whoever has hurt you that is not the full scenario because in the past you must have hurt someone like that. That is why today or any day you got hurt like that. If you hurt further then you will be hurt further. It is that simple. So,for our own positivity, for our own purification the best way is to forgive and forget.

You see there are many children who fight in the morning and then they are again friends in the evening. They play together, eat together, and share together. So in the field of forgiveness, can’t we become children? Like them? That is not impossible. Of Course we can do anything which we consider possible.

There are many instances and there are many incidences in the scriptures where it was almost impossible to forgive someone but still they forgave them. Like in the Ramayana, there are several Ramayanas. From Lucknow,India,Uttarpradesh almost more than three hundred Ramayanas have been published. In the end when Shree Ram separates Sitaji, his queen; his chased pure queen; due to ill speaking about her character, Ram had to separate her and ultimately they realise that they were wrong. They fold their hands like this and they beg for forgiveness from that great woman; that divine woman Sati Sita and Sati Sita just like a mother says I forgive everyone. I don’t blame anybody. All this was fruit of my Karmas. So today on the occasion of this great festival; the first day of this great festival, there is a chanting,

ॐ ह्रीं उत्तम क्षमा धर्मांगाय नमः

We chant this three times…

ॐ ह्रीं उत्तम क्षमा धर्मांगाय नमः

ॐ ह्रीं उत्तम क्षमा धर्मांगाय नमः

There are some practical methods that can help people control their anger because once anger crosses its limit it can not be reversed. So, there is a way, there are of course many ways but any way you choose can be a way for you.

Whenever you feel angry just go in front of the mirror and look into your eyes. Your anger will pass away. 

Whenever you feel angry you can drink a glass of water. The adrenal and etc  hormones  which have put you into a flight or fight mode will get diluted and your anger will fade away.

William Walker Adrinson says,” Delay a Passion and it will fade away.”,

“Don’t focus on the cause of your anger, it will increase ; Focus on something which make you feel that this is unnecessary .“,

Everytime you anger, you lose some of your beauty; Everytime you anger your cells accelerate aging ; you accelerate the process of your ageing cells. So it is the best  way but mistakes are for forgiving not Crimes.

“Crimes require punishments; mistakes are to be forgiven.”

Jainam Jayatu Shasanam

*जैनं जयतु शासनम्*
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